Saturday, March 21, 2009


The surveys keep getting filled, and the data gets more and more robust! Thank you all for forwarding out the link, every survey filled is helpful!

I have also been excited to see the traffic that has been finding its way to The Personal Vision Workbook publication page!

This week I wanted to focus a bit upon the top virtue on the list thus far. That Virtue is:


It is not surprising to me that love is the top virtue of the 140+ survey takers so far. It has been amazing to read how important this virtue is to people. Here are some great examples of how the virtue of love is expressed:

Love one another as yourself--we are all part of the same collective so love is what it is all about

An indefinable, immensely spiritual, and marrow-deep "feeling" that causes an almost irrational need to be around, protect, and elevate someone to a pedestal in my soul.

Giving 100% of my heart to those most important and at least 50% to everyone else. If I don't have love of/for my parents, husband, children etc. I can't live. It's what more of this world should thrive on instead of hate etc.

I believe love is the basis of being. It is important to me to love and be loved by my family.

Without it, the world is empty. I like feeling full

Love is something you get when you are surrounded by people that care and respect you. It is something that is very important to people and without us we would not be Humans.

Love is patient and kind. It is not boastful, envious, or prideful. It keeps no record of wrongs. It always trusts, hopes, and perseveres: love never fails (1 Cor 13). Jesus said to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; and, Love your neighbor as yourself (Mt 22:37-39). We were made to love and be loved.

Love: The deep, soul-born attraction towards another soul, idea or cause

Love: Caring for, appreciating, valuing, and cherishing each soul. I believe the reason why we exist is to learn to love each other.

Love, deep emotional connection with the people around you, because it keeps me focused on what is really important

Unconditional Love - all people and life forms by opening my heart, sharing my passion, and being real.

Love, in any form, seems to be the impetus of positive human interaction. To me it's the backbone of virtues for it drives us to truly live and to connect.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Words of Virtue

I want to share with you all some of the personal definitions that people are sharing through The25Virtues survey for your comments. It is very motivating to see people thinking deep to create meaning for these ideas/virtues!

Integrity: honesty, acting with honor, and being faithful to your convictions; this is the most important virtue to me because it affects every action you take, every word you say, even your thoughts. Integrity makes you who you are and what you stand for.
Deborah F. Decker, San Antonio, TX

Peace: I believe everything in the world strives to reach a balance, creating peace. it's important to me to have peace not only within ourselves, but with our environment as well.
Krista Bevan, Minersville, PA

Justice: In a general sense, for me, it's the concept that all things end fairly via due thought process, whether pleasant or not. Justice has more to do with rational conclusions than arbitrary emotions and since I pride myself upon being foremost a rational human, being just is a great pillar of pride for me.
Maggie Sullivan, Montlake Terrace, WA

Do these definitions match up with yours? What would you add, what would you change? In the future, I will be sharing definitions one virtue at a time in order to have discussion about each.

Thank you,

Data Report for The25Virtues Survey

First off, thank you to everyone who filled out the survey! One week into it, and 98 people have completed it – that is something that I consider amazing! Please keep forwarding on the link!
In the table below, I have posted the virtues that received the greatest “Deep/Vital” and “Strong” responses from you all. I have also shared these same top 7 from the “Males Only” and Females Only” perspectives. Eventually, as more people fill out the survey, I will be sharing out votes by occupation, age, region of the country, etc. It is too early to do so now (not enough data).
A few overall notes from the survey first:
1. All 25 of the virtues on the list have received enough initial support for me to believe that they are indeed the right 25 virtues. All 25 are at the Moderate Affinity or greater.
2. The data has not shifted significantly since right around the 50th survey. In other words, there seems to be consistency in the data (so far).
3. The only 3 virtues that are flirting with disinterest are Frugality, Prudence, and Temperance.

Thank you all again, I will be posting again soon. Please continue to send the survey out to friends, colleagues, and family. I have a deep believe that many people out there would like to be a part of this research!

Thank you!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Survey Goes Live

Today I unleashed The25Virtues on the world.... if you have not yet filled it out, here it is:

Pretty exciting stuff. I will be using this blog to share findings and provide updates!

Thank you all for helping out.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vices and Virtues


Another aspect of The25Virtues book will be a description of vices that people struggle with and how they match up to Virtues.  I created a list of nearly 100 vices that I have linked specifically to one or more of The25Virtues.  When the book is complete and all of this work is done, you will be able to look up a vice that you are struggling with and be referred to the appopropriate Virtue.

Here is a (very small) sample of the list so far just to present the basic idea:

Vice Virtue(s)
Agitation Patience, Peace, Restraint
Apathy Perseverance
Arrogance Humility
Distrust Faith
Hate Compassion, Love

The list is quite large, and I am still working on boiling it down to a useful format.  In essense, it is my beleif that we all struggle with these vices.  If we are able to connect our current challenge to the universal ethics of The25Virtues, we can change behavior.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Synonyms List

In working to research the deeper meanings of each of The25Virtues, I have set a goal of creating as extensive a list of synonyms and antonyms for each. In beginning this process, I have found that every one of The25Virtues has an extensive connection to other core value type words that I have found to be important in the past. If I were to compile all of the synonyms for all 25 virtues, I would come up with a list of over 200 values -- all of which could be considered vital.

After committing about 6 or 7 hours into compiling each list of synonyms, I feel even more secure that I have found 25 key Virtues that truly help to define a Universal Ethic. I am finding that these 25 Virtues resonate everywhere!

As an example of the depth and richness that each Virtue brings to the table, I will share the initial compiled list for the Virtue of Compassion:

benevolence, charity, clemency, commiseration, compunction, condolence, consideration, empathy, fellow feeling, grace, heart, humaneness, humanity, kindness, lenity, mercy, soft-heartedness, softness, sorrow, sympathy, tenderheartedness, tenderness, yearning

There is so much definition and emotional reach in this short list! There are so many questions to consider. Which words are the most connected and important? Are there words on the list that really do not "help" in defining the Virtue of Compassion? How does personal culture, faith and philosophy change up this list? Does it matter that each of these words has complex definitions and for some people feel like Virtues even more than Compassion does?

I have been thinking of ways to visually demonstrate/illustrate the interconnectedness of each of The25Virtues and its synonym list. Scatter charts and Venn Diagrams have been swimming in my head. It would not surprise me if I end up placing some form of visual representation for the synonym lists in the book.

For now, i will continue to research each synonym list and will share for comment and ideas.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

From Core Values to Core Virtues


I have been working with and researching the idea of core values for almost 1o years now. I have been thinking and thinking about how personal values and in particular personal Core Values are key to the success of a person. The more a person knows about their core values and the more they live their core values, the more their life is in congruence. This congruence leads to a sense of consistency and peacefulness and so on. Bottom line, the more a person develops their sense of self through deep understanding of their own personal Core Values, the better.

About a month ago whilst having one of my odd deep thought sessions it occurred to me that it was not Core Values that I was trying to get to. It was personal virtues.

So I began researching different faiths, philosophies, and cultures in search of stated virtues. All totaled, I brought together over 20 lists of virtues. I then sought out the key consistent terms, themes, and ideas throughout the lists and come up with The 25Virtues.

Here they Are:

Let me know what you think!