Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vices and Virtues


Another aspect of The25Virtues book will be a description of vices that people struggle with and how they match up to Virtues.  I created a list of nearly 100 vices that I have linked specifically to one or more of The25Virtues.  When the book is complete and all of this work is done, you will be able to look up a vice that you are struggling with and be referred to the appopropriate Virtue.

Here is a (very small) sample of the list so far just to present the basic idea:

Vice Virtue(s)
Agitation Patience, Peace, Restraint
Apathy Perseverance
Arrogance Humility
Distrust Faith
Hate Compassion, Love

The list is quite large, and I am still working on boiling it down to a useful format.  In essense, it is my beleif that we all struggle with these vices.  If we are able to connect our current challenge to the universal ethics of The25Virtues, we can change behavior.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Synonyms List

In working to research the deeper meanings of each of The25Virtues, I have set a goal of creating as extensive a list of synonyms and antonyms for each. In beginning this process, I have found that every one of The25Virtues has an extensive connection to other core value type words that I have found to be important in the past. If I were to compile all of the synonyms for all 25 virtues, I would come up with a list of over 200 values -- all of which could be considered vital.

After committing about 6 or 7 hours into compiling each list of synonyms, I feel even more secure that I have found 25 key Virtues that truly help to define a Universal Ethic. I am finding that these 25 Virtues resonate everywhere!

As an example of the depth and richness that each Virtue brings to the table, I will share the initial compiled list for the Virtue of Compassion:

benevolence, charity, clemency, commiseration, compunction, condolence, consideration, empathy, fellow feeling, grace, heart, humaneness, humanity, kindness, lenity, mercy, soft-heartedness, softness, sorrow, sympathy, tenderheartedness, tenderness, yearning

There is so much definition and emotional reach in this short list! There are so many questions to consider. Which words are the most connected and important? Are there words on the list that really do not "help" in defining the Virtue of Compassion? How does personal culture, faith and philosophy change up this list? Does it matter that each of these words has complex definitions and for some people feel like Virtues even more than Compassion does?

I have been thinking of ways to visually demonstrate/illustrate the interconnectedness of each of The25Virtues and its synonym list. Scatter charts and Venn Diagrams have been swimming in my head. It would not surprise me if I end up placing some form of visual representation for the synonym lists in the book.

For now, i will continue to research each synonym list and will share for comment and ideas.
