Friday, October 8, 2010

Nine damaging games people play in the workplace

There are nine games people play to out-pace, out-do, and out-perform the competition. Unfortunately, using these games almost always backfires. Maintaining a positive professional reputation is key to gaining the respect of fellow colleagues. These behaviors cause consistent damage to relationships and team dynamics. Everyone engages in them and the key is to know when they are occurring so that they can be shut down.

In reviewing the games, be aware of how often each is utilized. Determine why certain situations bring on certain behaviors. Understand who in the work environment brings out these behaviors. Focus on personal responsibility and strategies for prevention.

Assumption: The Assumption game occurs when assumptions are made about people, groups, and situations instead of truly taking the time to investigate the realities of the situation. It is key to first make sure that stereotypes and other assumptions are eliminated before evaluating the actions of others.

Blame: The Blame Game occurs when blame is aimed at other people, situations, teams, and variables without fully acknowledging personal responsibility. It is key to first determine personal responsibility before looking elsewhere for it.

Comparison: The Comparison Game happens when a situation, person, or event is compared with another without really taking stock of the issues. It is key to first weight the merits of the current situations, person, or event before bringing history into the picture.

Competition: The Competition Game happens when people on the team are competing with each other, or when the group is competing with other groups. It is key to work from a place of consensus with colleagues, whether individually or in groups.

Denial: The Denial Game happens when individuals or groups miss the obvious facts because of fear, embarrassment, or even politics. It is key to see the absolute truth a given situation and resist pushing away responsibility.

Expertise: The Expert Game happens when a person or group takes on the role of expert, and then proceeds to shut down others’ opinions and ideas. This often creates animosity and contempt. It is key to make sure every person is provided opportunity to state their knowledge before making decisions.

Living in the past: The Living in the Past Game occurs when comparison is made between current trends and situations to others in the past. Old solutions do not always apply to new problems. It is key to live in the present in order see the current situation clearly and accurately.

Passive aggressive: The Passive Aggressive Game occurs when anger or frustration is aimed from one situation/person to another situation/person. This occurs when a person carries aggression from a prior interaction and applies it to the current one. It is key to either aim frustrations at the person whom they were intended or find a way to eliminate them.

Technology: The Technology Game occurs when technology is used to do interpersonal dirty work. Instead of confronting the situation directly, e-mail, text, or other form of electronic communication is used. It is key to handle interpersonal challenge face to face.

To learn more about wisdom in the workplace:CLICK HERE

To find out about elements of job satisfaction: CLICK HERE

To review recent trends in career transition and employment: CLICK HERE