Thursday, February 24, 2011

Obama and Integrity

President Obama shows INTEGRITY with Defense of Marriage act decision

Outstanding stand to take, Mr. President. As a nation are one step closer to all of our citizens being truly free to be who that want and love who they wish.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Saving Marriages in the Recession -- Patience, Honesty, and Frugality?

It would seem that while the recession has placed strain on the U.S. Marriage, there were some key behaviors that help to keep things together. Not surprising, being honest with one another, finding a new pool of patience, and working to make the best out of challenge helped immensely.

Interestingly, Frugality played a part as well...not in buying less or spending smart given limited funds. It would seem that people postponed their split up because the cost of splitting up was too fees, divorce fees, etc.

It would seem that the need to be frugal...which was forced, nudged people to find common ground in their relationships.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Joy in what you do...

The attitude and perspective you have can take on a number of perspectives...and people notice and form opinions about that energy. You can live with a sense of purpose and vision or you can live with a myopic point of view that limits potential.

There is a great story about three bricklayers that illustrates this point. One content with the mundane, one who demonstrates potential, and one who works with Joy.

There were three bricklayers working on a construction site. A person, being curious, asked the first what he was doing. The man stated "Can't you see what I am doing, I am laying bricks".

After walking a bit further, he came across a second bricklayer and asked her what she was doing. The woman answered "I am building this wall."

Approaching the third person, he asked again what the bricklayer was doing. The bricklayer stopped what she was doing, smiled, and said "I am building a Cathedral!".

Stop and consider....are you laying bricks, or are you building a Cathedral? Find the joy you have in your life and apply it to everything that you do.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Virtue List, January 23, 2011

The 25 virtues in order of preference 350 survey takers, January 23, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Neil Pasricha - 3 A's of Awesome

Outstanding story to use up 20 minutes with.

Compelling, real, and proof of the power of positive thought.

Twitter Updates

How advertisers use "loyalty () and other virtues to sell sell sell.

Interesting yet one-sided article regarding "respect" in the workplace for men: . The25virtues:

Honestly: Vitriolic speak and politics do not go together. What is your truth?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Daily Virtue: Dignity

Dignity: The state of being worthy of respect and owning a sense of pride.

Cachet, character, courtliness, culture, decorum, distinction, eminence, ethics, etiquette, glory, grace, grandeur, gravity, greatness, hauteur, majesty, merit, morality, nobleness, perfection, poise, prestige, propriety, quality, rank, regard, renown, respectability, seemliness, self-respect, solemnity, splendor, standing, stateliness, station, stature, status, sublimity, virtue, worth, worthiness, reputation, repute, respect.

One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered. Micheal J. Fox

In what ways are you worthy of respect, in what ways are others worthy of yours? Figuring out where your source of dignity lies -- what you use to genuinely feel pride is a key source of personal power. It all starts by granting dignity to those around you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Daily Virtue: Courage

Courage is about doing what is right even when your nerves push you to think twice -- what will you do that is "right" today?

One of The25Virtue survey participants states:

"Courage, I admire it greatly. The ability to function, to fight, to decide from right and wrong even in the thickest veils and torrents of fear."

Finding courage is in many cases about managing fear of reactions, interactions, and a crisis of personal confidence.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Daily Virtue: Compassion

Today, work to understand a challenge someone important in your life is facing.

Take time to listen, try to put yourself in their shoes.

Do not focus upon the burden it places upon you, focus upon the burden you are lifting off of them.