Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Joy in what you do...

The attitude and perspective you have can take on a number of perspectives...and people notice and form opinions about that energy. You can live with a sense of purpose and vision or you can live with a myopic point of view that limits potential.

There is a great story about three bricklayers that illustrates this point. One content with the mundane, one who demonstrates potential, and one who works with Joy.

There were three bricklayers working on a construction site. A person, being curious, asked the first what he was doing. The man stated "Can't you see what I am doing, I am laying bricks".

After walking a bit further, he came across a second bricklayer and asked her what she was doing. The woman answered "I am building this wall."

Approaching the third person, he asked again what the bricklayer was doing. The bricklayer stopped what she was doing, smiled, and said "I am building a Cathedral!".

Stop and consider....are you laying bricks, or are you building a Cathedral? Find the joy you have in your life and apply it to everything that you do.

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