Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Compassion in the Workplace: Catchy

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. – The Dalai Lama

You are not going to get ahead by being a professional jerk. As you go through the motions over the next few days, consider:

Are being the one no one wants to be around, or you are being the one people aspire to be…

1. Are you paying attention to how your actions impact others? Not holding the elevator for the next person, leaving the coffee spill in the break room, or walking away from the paper jam is not going to inspire a fan club. Don’t be the workplace dolt…think about how you represent yourself and how what you do defines who you are.

2. Have you offered anyone help this week without expecting something in return? Not everything is about the next promotion. Take time to figure out the needs of your colleagues. Who needs editing help? Who needs help carrying a few boxes? Who looks like they have been run over by a train and could really use a “hey, how ya doing?” Find a person who needs something and help with that need.

3. Do you have a personal definition for humility, and can you act upon it? I am not suggesting submissiveness here…although for some a few hours of serving others would be ideal. Be a little modest..find a way to be humble today - -drop the arrogance.

Invest in these three things that focus in on being a compassionate professional, your colleagues and you will thank you for it. Who knows, maybe someone will return the favor when you least expect...

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