Thursday, December 2, 2010

November 2010 Survey Update

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Here is the Virtue Spread as of November 2010. There are no huge changes in the top ten, but I continue to find that all 25 are important to a significant portion of the survey group. the survey just passed the 330 mark.

Not surprisingly, the 5 least preferred (although they still appear in top 5 lists) are those that create a sense of holding back, cutting back, or minimizing excess.

Recent comments about the Survey:
  • This was a thought-provoking and very easy survey to complete. Thank you.
  • Wow. Good to sit down and think about one's core values on a regular basis. An exercise for the heart-brain. Thanks.
  • This was both thought provoking and enjoyable!
  • Painless and thought provoking - what a great idea - I can only imagine the plethora of differing responses.
  • It's always good for people to assess their values as a reminder what they stand for.

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