Monday, January 3, 2011

Daily Virtue: Dignity

Dignity: The state of being worthy of respect and owning a sense of pride.

Cachet, character, courtliness, culture, decorum, distinction, eminence, ethics, etiquette, glory, grace, grandeur, gravity, greatness, hauteur, majesty, merit, morality, nobleness, perfection, poise, prestige, propriety, quality, rank, regard, renown, respectability, seemliness, self-respect, solemnity, splendor, standing, stateliness, station, stature, status, sublimity, virtue, worth, worthiness, reputation, repute, respect.

One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot be taken away unless it is surrendered. Micheal J. Fox

In what ways are you worthy of respect, in what ways are others worthy of yours? Figuring out where your source of dignity lies -- what you use to genuinely feel pride is a key source of personal power. It all starts by granting dignity to those around you.

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