Sunday, March 28, 2010


Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.

I found dignity as a Virtue to live by a bit easier than Courage... Again, I found it as a quality I saw in others and myself. It has been very gratifying to notice that while I am working to live a given virtue, I am seeing it all around me in the actions of others. It is indeed very heartening.

Dignity is tough for people as it sometimes comes across as arrogance...and the two can be a fine line. I beleive it is really important that a person have a sense of personal dignity, and to know what strengths are possessed. Self respect is the key to this virtue. Self respect in my mind has always meant that I am also showing/sharing that respect to people around me. To work off of the Aristotle Quotation, we should know what honors we hold, the personal value we have for ourselves, and know that we deserve such accolade.

Another aspect I discovered is how easy it is to lose dignity in the face of insult or conflict. If there is a person who can "push my buttons"; I will lose my sense of dignity and begin to "give in". I will forget to live my virtues and will become sort of this jelly like person who just agrees with the tormentors wishes. By focusing upon dignity throughout the day I found 2 things...

1. That I was able to deflect the tormentors
2. That I was able to instill a sense of dignity to people whom I would have otherwize not taken an interest.

Powerful stuff.

Next Virtue -- Faith.


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