Sunday, March 28, 2010

The top 5


Here are the top 5 Virtues for all respondents, Female only, and Male only:

The Top 5 Virtues - All Respondents:

1. Love

2. Respect

3. Integrity

4. Compassion

5. Honesty

The top 5 Virtues – Females Only:

1. Love

2. Compassion

3. Integrity

4. Loyalty

5. Respect

The top 5 Virtues – Males Only:

1. Loyalty

2. Integrity

3. Hope

4. Perseverance

5. Compassion

I am definitely struck by the differences between Male and Female. Most interesting is the difference in where Love ranks in all 3. In the all up list, Love is number one as it is in the females only. For Males, Love does come in close as the 6th Virtue, however. I plan to look at the ways in which these values are defined differently by the sexes. I am also curious about the strength of Loyalty in the Males only grouping. Over 1/2 of male respondents state Loyalty as a Deep/Vital Virtue.

I look forward to reading responses to this data!


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