Sunday, March 15, 2009

Data Report for The25Virtues Survey

First off, thank you to everyone who filled out the survey! One week into it, and 98 people have completed it – that is something that I consider amazing! Please keep forwarding on the link!
In the table below, I have posted the virtues that received the greatest “Deep/Vital” and “Strong” responses from you all. I have also shared these same top 7 from the “Males Only” and Females Only” perspectives. Eventually, as more people fill out the survey, I will be sharing out votes by occupation, age, region of the country, etc. It is too early to do so now (not enough data).
A few overall notes from the survey first:
1. All 25 of the virtues on the list have received enough initial support for me to believe that they are indeed the right 25 virtues. All 25 are at the Moderate Affinity or greater.
2. The data has not shifted significantly since right around the 50th survey. In other words, there seems to be consistency in the data (so far).
3. The only 3 virtues that are flirting with disinterest are Frugality, Prudence, and Temperance.

Thank you all again, I will be posting again soon. Please continue to send the survey out to friends, colleagues, and family. I have a deep believe that many people out there would like to be a part of this research!

Thank you!

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