Sunday, March 28, 2010

More Data!!

Thank you all for participating thus far in The25Virtues Survey. The response has been diverse and I am still seeing 3-4 new surveys completed per day. Please continue to forward to Friends, Family, and Colleagues.

Also, if you did not copy down your Virtues and their definitions and would like me to send them to you, please e-mail me at and I will be happy to retrieve and send.

As of April 23, 2009

They survey has been completed by181 participants.

Participants come from the following countries: USA, Canada, Great Britain

Participants come from 28 of the United States.

The age range of participants is: 15-74.

68% of the participants are Female.
32% of the participants are Male.

Participants represent 24 distinct career/occupational areas.

Participants represent all of the categorized racial/cultural areas.

Thank you all again for supporting my research!

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